
Monday, 23 April 2018


NOUN [mass noun]

The action or process of adapting or being adapted.
e.g. ‘the adaptation of teaching strategy to meet students’ needs’
source :
I am on the process of adapting with the new boss, since my boss resigned on Wednesday, 31 January 2018 coz he decided to move to another company. So far, my adaptation is going well and fun.
2 years ago, I also had to adapted with something too. For the first time I worked as a secretary which is different with my major, and guess what? My boss was a foreigner. I have adapted to totally different culture and habit.
My stories above are just a simple example of “adaptation” because actually, life is full of adaptation and it is a natural thing (we don’t need to exaggerate it).
Gw paham banget rasanya pas tau kalau kita harus beradaptasi dengan sesuatu yang baru. Ada sejuta kekhawatiran dan ketakutan. Khawatir ga cocok sama teman-temannya, takut lingkungan baru ga bisa nerima kita, khawatir keluar dari zona nyaman, and many more. 
But, trust me itu cuma terjadi di awal aja karena kita belum kenal sama lingkungan baru. Setelah dijalanin dan mulai terbiasa, boom!!! welcome to comfort zone (evil laugh).
Sekali lagi adaptasi adalah hal yang wajar, tinggal kitanya juga harus fight untuk menyesuaikan. Jangan terlena sama situasi yang lama, karena memang pasti beda. Kemungkinan untuk sama paling cuma 0,1% (jangan tanya ini hasil riset di mana ya karena angka ini cuma based on my experience aja). 
So, r u ready to adapt with new things in your life? YES!!!

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