
Saturday, 10 November 2018

REHAT (Take a Break)

First, kindly listen to this song REHAT (in english : BREAK).

My life was full filled by my ambitions. I have to a, b, c, d, to many things. Start from important things like career, education, wealth, until trivial things like weight, cloth, food. Until sometimes I get dizzy with myself because my brain wants to explode fighting with my ideal, I HAVE TO GET EVERYTHING.
I am even become so hard on myself. I forgot everything because I dedicated everything to get what I wanted to. After I got A, I run to B, looked for another door. NEVER ENDING DOOR. Just because I can not only be satisfied. Until if the result’s lower of my EXPECTATION, I got sick, inner sick. Tearless cry, unspoken anger, feel empty, blame myself. At this point I reached my limit and asked, "What do I want".
At the moment, I realized that it’s important to take a break like song above because we need it. We need a space to contemplate, talk to Allah, flashback for all of our efforts, remember the support around us and Allah intervention. Then be grateful, arrange the priority, take a deep breath, and start again with a calmly rhythm. Let the universe work.
Tenangkan hati
Semua ini bukan salahmu
Jangan berhenti
Yang kau takutkan
Takkan terjadi

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

The Game Is Not Over

Prologue: Don’t ask me about the purpose of this post, because I will let your perception.

Who has never been angry on this earth? After getting angry, what did you do? Forgive it? Forgiveness is the hard thing but make a decision about what to do after it is the hardest for me. 

The highest level of my anger was when I decided to never assume that the person who made me angry existed. Even though they were in front of my eyes, I always thought that they weren’t there. Why? Because what did they done were too hurt for me. I often want to give up and it feels like I want to go away from their life. 

But, what always happen in my life?

The harder I tried to go away, the easier I met them. I always asking Why? But after I was busy contemplating with myself then I found a point of view that if I left, I will make their life easier. But sorry if I wouldn’t make it easy for you because I decided to continue my life better. Although I need to present in your life, I will confront you anyway by still assuming that you are never existed. 

So sorry if THE GAME IS NOT OVER, baby. It is not me who have to go but you.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Respect to Their Choice

Hello SYBS*,

One fine Saturday at Sushi Bar, me and my friends discussing about our education goal, strategy, and timeline to reach it. Until there’s a conversation about some of my friend education who lived in planet K. I criticized about their consideration while choosing a university which seems random for me. They don't want to get out from their comfort zone. Below are mostly their considerations :

1. The distance between office or domicile to university;
2. They just need a title or degree;
3. Fee.

For me education is one of I need to think carefully about. So I won't choose point 1 or 2 as my consideration while choosing a university. Here are my ideas :

1. The quality of the university especially the major I would like to take. You can find it at QS World Rank;
2. The environment. I need an environment which safe, can drive me to be an open minded women, give me a freedom to express my opinion.

3. Fee. But, I'll struggle to get a scholarship if it can't be covered by my financial capability.

My friends remind me that all of my opinions were right but I need to respect their decision because he's sure if they take it depend on their needed and capability. He told me, "If they just need a degree and won't out from their comfort zone, so why? Let them do by their own path. You don't have a responsibility to them because you are not the one who sponsor their education".

Do you have any other consideration about choosing the university?

*Saudara yang Budiman (SYB): appellation for my blog readers. additional S behind for showing that it's a plural.

Saturday, 15 September 2018

It's Not a Say Goodbye It's a See You Again

Do u ever heard about it? It's common found in most of farewell. But is it true? Do u really wanna see u again after farewell? I am asking to several people and mostly they said that those sentence is just for bluffing, to make farewell sweet.
Let me talk about it, in my point of view. 

I am as the one who left (resignation)
If I have a good experience and relationship, I haven't any reason to avoid see you again with my ex-office mate.
In some case even I make an appointment to meet them in somewhere for talking and laughing about my ex-boss (which is still being their boss), our foolishness, our stress, sharing about my new job, etc.
I am as a person who left behind
This is the situation I hate about. Left behind. There was a time, I no longer want to meet them because I was angry they left me. But, It just a while and it motivates me to be able to step bigger.

How about you?

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Take a Responsibility

There's a lot of things that I still didn't understand about. I'm the innocent girl (named it), suddenly must hear and face the reality which actually it doesn't make sense for me. I know that not everything might be goes well as I think. In this world, there are million even billion absurd problems that I haven't know yet but it happened around me and when it happened to me, I think that I am not supposed to receive those consequence. I believe that it should be THEM not ME. 

I did and I blame to the other person. Always.

I couldn't tell you what kind of problem I'm facing about but again I wanna talk about my question "Am I really supposed to receive this?" It stuck on my mind until I had a lack of sleep because of crying.

If something let you down and it really broke your heart even sometimes you wanna end up your life, remember that actually you are the one who let urself in to that problem. You choose that choice. Think about if you choosing to avoid it at first, you will not received it. So, what can we do? 

Take a Responsibility to yourself and stop blaming to the others. 

Let me tell you what I found (in my deepest moment) from a book title The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, Mark Manson, page 96, "The more we choose to accept responsibility in our lives, the more power we will exercise over our lives. Accepting responsibility for our problem is thus the first step to solving them" and page 99 "Nobody else is ever responsible for your situation but you".

Come on, let us think, sybs. I open to your opinion about the sentence above. But me, I agree. Be aware to yourself. If you aware that you are the only one who can take a responsibility to yourself, you will take a responsibility to fixed your life and make yourself happy. You can't depend on people. People might be listen to your problem and give you some advice. But it's all useless if you aren't take a responsibility to yourself.

To be honest, it's a hard for me to realize that I'm the one who take a responsibility to my situation after that shitty problem. I need a long time. Really. 

I wonder if it is one of my process in my life to be a mature and be my lesson to taking care of myself. Be careful with your choice because no matter you choose you have to take a responsibility.

Monday, 23 April 2018


NOUN [mass noun]

The action or process of adapting or being adapted.
e.g. ‘the adaptation of teaching strategy to meet students’ needs’
source :
I am on the process of adapting with the new boss, since my boss resigned on Wednesday, 31 January 2018 coz he decided to move to another company. So far, my adaptation is going well and fun.
2 years ago, I also had to adapted with something too. For the first time I worked as a secretary which is different with my major, and guess what? My boss was a foreigner. I have adapted to totally different culture and habit.
My stories above are just a simple example of “adaptation” because actually, life is full of adaptation and it is a natural thing (we don’t need to exaggerate it).
Gw paham banget rasanya pas tau kalau kita harus beradaptasi dengan sesuatu yang baru. Ada sejuta kekhawatiran dan ketakutan. Khawatir ga cocok sama teman-temannya, takut lingkungan baru ga bisa nerima kita, khawatir keluar dari zona nyaman, and many more. 
But, trust me itu cuma terjadi di awal aja karena kita belum kenal sama lingkungan baru. Setelah dijalanin dan mulai terbiasa, boom!!! welcome to comfort zone (evil laugh).
Sekali lagi adaptasi adalah hal yang wajar, tinggal kitanya juga harus fight untuk menyesuaikan. Jangan terlena sama situasi yang lama, karena memang pasti beda. Kemungkinan untuk sama paling cuma 0,1% (jangan tanya ini hasil riset di mana ya karena angka ini cuma based on my experience aja). 
So, r u ready to adapt with new things in your life? YES!!!


Hello, I am Shafira. I decided to move into a new blog (my last blog : As u know, tumblr was blocked by Kominfo.This blog will be filled with my random though. Before I start with the new post, I'll post some of my article on my pass blog. Enjoy!