
Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Open Space Layout at Work in My Point of View

Hello sybs, I think it’s gonna be fun if we can discuss about office room design. As you may know, different types of office layouts have different effects on employee relations and communications (Brennan, Chugh, & Kline, 2002; Hua, 2007). In addition, the development of technology has an impact to the way of build relationship between human beings and their work environment (Samani & Rasid, 2017).

Recently, open space layout comes as a popular layout concept in the name of “creativity”, “collaboration”, and “flexible” by displacing cubicles and making people more visible but in fact, when the firms switched to open offices, face-to-face interactions fell by 70%, while electronic interactions increased  (Bernstein & Waber, 2019).

On the other side, Hwang & Kim (2013); Samani, Rasid, & Sofian (2015) said that open-plan designs have been found to enhance the social interactions that contribute to creativity, even, they also decrease employees’ sense of personal control and increase the likelihood of distraction, which can affect individuals’ satisfaction with both their environment and outcomes 


For me, as an introvert who enjoy working in the quiteness, I'd choose to work behind a cubicle or at the private room, due to noise level at the open space. In addition, based on my experience, since I always keep my desk clean, i know exactly what i put in my desk. But sometimes, i should greet a newcomers in my desk like coffee glass, plate, paper, etc. That i don't even know how and why it comes to my desk. To be honest, those condition makes me a lil bit stress and makes my work didn’t perform well. So, I choose to move at the meeting room to work there without distruption and fully focused.

I might be enjoying the open space design, if everyone knows that we SHOULD respect to the other privacy (for ex : play music via headset, keep your volume when talking, keep the desk clean), because everybody has their own way and enjoyment to work and build relationships effectively.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

What Are You Doing in The (Office) Toilet?

What do you think about toilet/bathroom/restroom (you named it) ? Did u know that some people use toilet as the place where they can spend “ME TIME” especially at the office.
Based on my conversation to my several friends, they use toilet for :
  1. Sleep
  2. Online shopping 
  3. Looking for ideas
  4. Just need some peace or refreshment
  5. Entertainment (playing games, watching drama)
Personally, sometimes I use toilet for expressing my emotion especially crying.

After I've done a lil research at the internet, the above responses are really exist not only for me and my friends, but also people out there. Based on The Cut survey about Everything We Know About Human Bathroom Behavior :
75% of people use their phones in the bathroom; 63% have answered a call, 41%have initiated a call, and 10% have “made an online purchase.” As a result, as many as one in six cell phones might be contaminated by poo. Which calls to mind a related factoid: that 8% of people also admit they’ve eaten in the bathroom.
Another survey on Huff Post about This Is What Everybody Really Does In The Office Bathroom, said :
24 percent talk on the phone.
22 percent change clothes.
15 percent put on makeup.
15 percent take a break to be alone for a little while.
11 percent take a break to release frustration.
10 percent have private conversations face to face.
8 percent take a shower.
7 percent take a break to cry.
7 percent smoke.
6 percent just keep working and sending emails.5 percent eat some food.3 percent take a nap.3 percent exercise.
The result that make me surprised was the use of toilet for eat and exercise. Are you really can enjoy it? LOL. The one thing that I need to tell is what ever you are doing in the toilet please be responsible to keep the toilet and yourself clean by flushing the toilet, wiping the the toilet seat, also washing your hand and cleaning your phone.